“From today on,I will...;I will...;”或者“I plan to do it as follows...”那叫“我的实践”吗?
As a university student,I pay much attention to my physical exerciser.I do some swimming in Summer and some skating in Winter,I often play badminton and tennis.I m also careful with my diet.In a word,keeping healthy is not very hard if you just take it seriously.
例如作文“Electricity and Our Daily Life”.①Electricity is essential in our daily life.②If there were no electricity,...③Therefore,...
Electricity is essential in our daily life.It runs the machines in factories;It starts the vehicles and light the streets and rooms.With it,we can watch TV,listen to the tape recorder,cook meals or store food in the fridge.In a word,it helps us a lot in our daily life.
If there were no electricity,all the machines would stop working.At night,it would be very dark.We would have to wash our clothes with our hands.Students would use oil lamps to do their homework.We would live as our ancestors did centuries ago.
Therefore,electricity is very important to us.Our life cannot go on without it,not to mention the construction of our country.Our country is short of electricity,now. So,everybody should try to save it.
(三)提纲列出之后,下一步就是用比较标准的英文将你想要说的意思表达出来,这就需要有较好的英文基本功底:包括单词、句子结构、语法、词组等等。下面,大家先看两篇作文,其思路还算清晰,文章比较切题,层次也很合理,但是,单就其语言文字方面,有哪些主要问题呢?【例】 Traffic in Big Cities英语作文