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时间:2011-07-31来源:作文地带整理栏目:高考英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
2011高考英语作文广东卷真题范文及点评 : 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分) 你校学生会准备办一期英语墙报,介绍我国著名的科学家。请你根据下列提示写一篇英语短文。 [写作内容] 钱学森简介 人物身份 杰出科学家和我国航天事业的先驱。 生平活动 * 1911年12月11日出生于


第一节  基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)
人物身份 杰出科学家和我国航天事业的先驱。
生平活动 * 1911年12月11日出生于浙江杭州一个富裕之家,少时天资聪颖,被称为“神童”。
* 1934年毕业于上海交通大学,其后前往美国深造并获得航空学博士学位。
* 1955年回国,毕生从事航天科技事业,参与火箭和导弹的开发研制,开启中国航天时代。
* 2009年11月,于北京逝世。
成就/评价 成就斐然,被誉为“中国航天之父”和“火箭大王”
参考词汇:航空学 the science of Astronomy,
航天科技事业 AnA industry, (Astronomy and Aircraft),
“神童”  a super-talented boy
题目:A Brief Introduction of Qian Xuesen
Guangzhou to Carry Out Traffic Controls July 17-20
In order to reduce rush-hour traffic and pollution, the traffic control drill in Guangzhou, which limits cars from driving on certain days based on the whether the last number of their license plate is even or odd, will take place every day from 7:00 to 22:00, July 17th to 20th. It will be effective for the entire city. Those who do not comply with traffic control will be fined of 200 RMB and a deduction(扣除) of 3 points from their driving record. Those vehicles that are not driven away within 30 minutes of being ticketed are punishable with another ticket. Eight special classes of vehicles are exempt(免除) from the traffic control.
The news above tells us that Guangzhou will start a traffic control drill from 17 to 20, July. The traffic control will stop cars running on road on some day. And the drivers who don’t obey it will get punished.
    As more and more cars are used, the traffic especially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier, which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam. It has a negative influence on people's daily life and economic development.
To solve the problem of heavy traffic, effective measures should be adopted. First of all, more new roads should be constructed, and the old and narrow streets be widened and expanded, which can partly reduce traffic and speed up the flow of buses and cars. Moreover, our government should increase public transportation. More bus routes should be opened up because buses can carry more passengers. Lastly, riding bicycles should be encouraged. Because it is not only a reasonable way for people to reduce the traffic jams but also a good way for people to keep fit by cycling to and from their working place two times a day.
Though it is a difficult task, we should spend no effort to control it. Only when the problem of heavy traffic is solved, can we lead a more harmonious life.

