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Truth serum英语成人笑话

时间:2010-08-17来源:英语成人笑话栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:英语学习 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Truth serum You know I keep hearing and reading regarding the Mel Gibson story that they know that Mel meant what he said because alcohol is a truth serum. I keep hearing this over and over. Alcohol is a truth serum... Really? Since when? Ask any women, w

Truth serum

You know I keep hearing and reading regarding the Mel Gibson story that they know that Mel meant what he said because alcohol is a truth serum.

I keep hearing this over and over. Alcohol is a truth serum... Really?

Since when?

Ask any women, when’s the last time you met a guy in a bar drinking heavily and he told you the truth?

"Married, no, I’ve never been married. Kids? I don’t have any kids?"

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