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Sharp Old Lady!英语成人笑话

时间:2010-08-17来源:英语学习栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Sharp Old Lady! A man was very happy with himself after just having plastic surgery. On his way to work, he spotted a very attractive blonde woman. He asked her how old she thought he was, to which she replied, About 23? The man was astonished. He began e

Sharp Old Lady!

A man was very happy with himself after just having plastic surgery. On his way to work, he spotted a very attractive blonde woman. He asked her how old she thought he was, to which she replied, "About 23?" The man was astonished. He began explaining that he was actually 43 years of age. 5 minutes later, he arrived at MacDonald's and decided to have a little snack before work. Waiting in the line was another very attractive woman and he asked her how old she thought he was to which she replied, "About 20?" The man was amazed how well the plastic surgery had worked and started to explain that he was actually 43! Before getting back in the car to go to work, he decided to ask an old woman how old she thought he was. "I cannot see that well, dear, but i can tell how old you are by putting my hand down your pants and gently massaging your penis." So, he let the old woman do her trick. After 5 minutes the woman said: "You're 43." "That's amazing," The man replied,"How did you do it?" "I was standing behind you in the MacDonald's queue" She replied.
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