have you heard about the american remake of "boys over flowers"? the story of a middle-class girl and four wealthy, handsome bullies has been made into at least four tv shows around the world. the u.s. version, called "boys before friends," premiered last night, exclusively on viki.com.
你有没有听说过美国翻拍版的《流星花园》?这部讲述一个平凡女孩和四个高富帅的青春偶像故事在全世界范围内至少被翻拍过四次。美国版的《流星花园》更名为"boys before friends",已于12月27日在viki.com网站独家播出。
grown ups and graduate school
"boys before friends" takes the classic love story out of high school and plants it in a performing arts graduate school. as we meet the main characters in the opening sequence, we learn that they are adults in their 20s who live apart from their families.
