In this week, we held an unforgettable spring sports meeting. The sports meeting will be held on Friday this week.
星期五的早上,在操场上早已聚集满了人山人海的小学生和学生教师。这次运动会我们先举行了跳远比赛,我们班的每一个人的跳高成绩都很不错。后来,我们比赛了迎面接力跑,这场比赛 我们得了第三名。实践性骏马一样飞驰着,比赛结束了。
On Friday morning, the playground was full of students and teachers. We held the long jump competition first in this sports meeting. Everyone in our class got a good result in high jump. Later, we competed in the face-to-face relay race, in which we won the third place. Like a practical horse, the race is over.
后面两项篮球和拔河比赛我们班都没有取得优异的成绩。不过我们没有 灰心,还用以后的比赛,我们到那时候可能不会还是没有赢一场比赛的。
The last two basketball and tug of war games in our class did not achieve excellent results. But we didn't lose heart. We still use the future games. We may not have won a game by then.
This is really an unforgettable sports meeting!