类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:20:11
桃太郎》 Momotaro 文章背景 《桃太郎》是日本童话故事中最受儿童喜爱的一篇古老童话。虽然经历了很多世纪后,故事的讲述形式和内容略有变动,但是大多数版本都紧紧地围绕着同样的主题:一对无儿无女的老夫妇意外地在一颗桃子里发现了一个小男孩。这个孩子长大后,立志去征服邪恶的食人怪。他带着一袋...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:20:09
The Three Snake-leaves 英汉对照 Once upon a time there was a poor man who could no longer afford to keep his only son. So his son said:" Dear father, you have fallen on very hard times and I'm a burden to you; it will be better if I go away and try to earn my...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:20:08
早期幼儿英语家庭教学 英语是当今世界上最为通用的语言,其重要性已为所有人深刻领会。目前,条件稍好的幼儿园,都会设立简单的英语课。各地稍微有点名气的双语幼儿园更是令家长们为之心动。 不过,对于孩子的英语教育不单单是幼儿园的事情,作为孩子的父母也应该在日常生活中有意识地教宝宝学英语。...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:20:08
The Seven Ravens 英汉对照 There was a man who had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatly though he longed for one. At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. There was great rejoi...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:20:07
The Magic Mill 英汉对照 A long time ago, far, far away, there lived two brothers. One of them was quite rich: the other was very poor. The rich brother lived on a little island; he was a seller of salt. He had sold salt for many years and had got a great deal...