类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:19:35
少儿英语短剧:龟兔赛跑 Once upon a time, there was a hare. Hare: I am the fastest animal in the forest. Nobody can beat me. One day the hare met a tortoise. Hare: Ha, ha. You are so slow. Tortoise: I an slow, but I can race you. Hare: You can race me? But you can’t ...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:19:34
儿童英语剧本:丑小鸭 It was a lovely summer day in the country. Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time. After a while, one by one, ducklings came out of the eggs. Ducklings: Peep, peep Mother Duck: Quack, quack! Are you all out? Duckling1: No, one egg is still...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:19:34
Noddy学英语|cctv动画城Noddy学英语 Noddy学英语下载,中央电视台少儿频道“智慧树”栏目中播出获得观众好评的“Noddy学英语”,再度向全国的小朋友推出的一份快乐礼物。 ftp://english:english@www1.njjz/来自英国享誉全球的noddy(12VCD转RMVB)共450M 英语/最好的礼物.rmvb ftp://english:english@www...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:19:34
A的夢想 學習字母A angel帶給A的美夢 点击下载或右键另存为 B是個壞男孩 學習字母B 得到懲罰的B 点击下载或右键另存为 C和他的朋友們 學習字母C 生日快樂!! 点击下载或右键另存为 D和一隻dog 學習字母D 助人為快樂之本!! 点击下载或右键另存为 E與大自然 學習字母E 學習如何愛護自然環境!! 点击下载或...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:19:33
阶梯英语少儿歌曲60首 请使用下载软件下载(flashget或者迅雷) 点击鼠标右键,“另存为“也可 http://www.youandme/ladder100/ymmtv/songs/song1.swf 。。。。。。。中间2-59自己添加。。。。。 http://www.youandme/ladder100/ymmtv/songs/song60.swf 少儿英语mp3下载...
类别:英语作文 发行日期:2010-08-07 05:19:32
少儿英语,英语绕口令 Bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the bears' babies. Notes: 1. bun: 小圆面包 2. bait: 挑逗,逗弄 If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. The seal The seal is speeding. The seal is speeding in a jeep. The sea...