However, many of these jobs won’t appeal to mid- or upper-level professionals. If you’re at that level, you may wade through many jobs below your experience level. Some of the better jobs may not be listed on these sites. 可是,其中许多职位并不能吸引到中层或高层职业人士。如果你是其中之一,那么也许要在许多和你工作经验不匹配的职位中费力寻找。一些好工作可能不会登在这样的网站上。
So look beyond the general employment sites when looking for your dream job. Here are some tips for using the Internet for your job search. 要找到你的理想工作,你应该到其他地方看看,而不是这些综合招聘网站。下面是一些网上找工作的方法,这些方法当然是针对美国的国情来的,但是我们从中也可以借鉴一二。至于中国综合的和专业的招聘网站,如果您不知道的话,请多多利用搜索引擎,搜索“求职”、“招聘”类的字眼再加上行业或是职位名称即可。
Companies often list career opportunities on their websites. Smaller businesses may have relatively few listings. Larger companies will have hundreds. 公司经常会在其网站上发布工作机会。小一些的企业提供的工作机会也许较少;而大一些的企业可能会有几百个工作机会。
Larger companies will have tools to help you narrow your search. Some even have notification systems. New listings matching your search will be sent to you. 大公司网站提供了缩小搜索范围的工具,还有一些甚至有通知系统,与你搜索条件匹配的新发布的工作信息会(自动)发送给你。
Of course, an employer’s site offers more than listings. Use it to find out more about the company and its clients. 当然,雇主的网站提供的可不仅工作机会。通过网站,你可以更多地了解这家公司和它的客户。