So how do you prove your readiness for the big leagues? By thinking like a big-league player. This interview will be different from others, but it will be your best chance to impress the decision makers, so there are some key points you want to be certain you get across. Here are tips to help you succeed:
Show You Get the "Big Picture"
Any number of interview candidates may possess specific subject-knowledge valuable to a business. But the candidate who goes beyond mere information and displays an ability to use it well is more likely to get the job. Senior executives and managers generally want people who pay attention to and understand the broader view.
Tip: Demonstrate you recognize patterns and understand their importance; that you know how to use and synthesize information.
Find Out What Keeps the Boss Up at Night
Do your homework so you understand not only the job or promotion for which you are applying, but also the job of the senior executive above it. Do you know to whom this person reports, and what the top issues are for your boss’s boss?