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时间:2010-08-15 16:19来源:职场英语 作者:职场英语 投稿收藏:收藏本文
Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? (你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?) A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已经完成个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。) Q:What do y
Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?
  A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.
  Q:What do you think you are worth to us? 
      (你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?) education.163.com
  A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.
  Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?)
  A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. (我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)

  Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?) or

  Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?)

  A:Yes, I think so.

  A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well.  (这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。)

  Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?)

  A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。)
  A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。)
  A:Cheerfulness and friendliness. (乐观和友爱。)
  Q:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?)63.com
    A:(pause a few seconds) (稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。)
  They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends. (他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。)
  They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. (他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。)作文地带-英语作文网 (建议将本文)

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