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  • 摩托车的利与弊,摩托车的优缺点 日期:2007-12-09 07:41:14 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    1.近年来中国城市中的摩托车2.摩托车的优点和缺点3.你对我国城市中摩托车发展前景的看法。You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on Composition Sheet and remember to write it in readable handwriting.Motorcycles and City Traffic motorcycl...

    摩托车 motorcycles

  • Motorcycles-摩托车 motorcycles 日期:2007-12-09 07:38:18 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Motorcycles-摩托车 motorcycles 摩托车的优点与缺点,摩托车的好坏利弊 1.当今,街道上的摩托车越来越多。 2.一些人喜欢骑摩托车。 3.然而另一些人不喜欢骑摩托车。 Nowadays, them are more and more motorcycles in streets. Now and then. one or two molorcycle...

    摩托车 motorcycles
