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  • 戚继光从小俭朴 日期:2010-08-14 14:59:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    明代抗倭英雄戚继光英勇善战,治军有方,他带领的戚家军纪律严明,在抗倭斗争中屡战屡胜,他与士卒同甘共苦,探得士兵爱戴。戚继光之所以能成为一代名将,与其家风熏陶、父亲教诲是密不可分的。 戚继光的父亲戚景通,也是一位文武全才的爱国将领。他为人耿直,年过半百...


  • 民族英雄戚继光National Hero Qi Jiguan英语作文 日期:2009-09-19 06:57:35 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    National Hero Qi Jiguan民族英雄戚继光 民族英雄戚继光 Qi Jiguang was a Chinese military general and national hero during the Ming Dynasty. He was best remembered for his courage and leadership in the fight against Japanese pirates along the east coas...

    戚继光 Qi Jiguan
