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  • My Seasons英语作文范文及点评 日期:2011-07-27 01:23:19 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文


    四季 season 季节

  • 初一“我眼中的四季作文”——四季小品 日期:2011-07-08 08:36:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    作文地带导读:那么快,14个春秋已悄然度过,四季交替着,重复着原有的规律,从不为了人们的喜好而停留,不知不觉…… 那么快,14个春秋已悄然度过,四季交替着,重复着原有的规律,从不为了人们的喜好而停留,不知不觉,自己也在用其独特的方式向人们诉说着...

    四季 语文作文 初中作文

  • 四季之音·乐器作文 日期:2011-06-09 13:35:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    四季之音 乐器 我常觉得一年四季有声有色,有如五彩缤纷的画卷,又如五月协奏的交响。 题记 春古筝 北方的初春乍暖还寒,所以早春的时候,看得到柳绿,却看不到花红。每当春天来到,心中就会有一份淡淡的绿意,在涌动在翻滚。...


  • 一年四季英语作文带翻译 日期:2010-09-16 10:34:25 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文


    四季 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天

  • 描写夏天的英语作文 日期:2010-08-27 16:07:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the newspa...

    四季 范文

  • 英语作文:我眼中的夏天 日期:2010-08-27 16:07:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    Do you know what I like?Summer vacation.I like it because I can go outside to play.If it rains,I can stay inside and play checkers.And this summer my family may go to Beijing,because we have not been there yet. Do you know what I don't like? I don't like ...

    四季 范文

  • Dragon Boat Festival 日期:2010-08-27 16:07:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it. The festival is best known for its...

    四季 范文

  • 端午节的英语作文 日期:2010-08-27 16:07:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    端午节英语作文 The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according.... 详细 端午节英语作文:我家乡的端午节 At the end of the Zhou Dynasty, the area we now know as China had fallen into a state of fragmentation an...

    四季 范文

  • 端午节的由来和历史 英语 日期:2010-08-27 16:07:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by...

    四季 范文

  • Autumn 日期:2010-08-27 16:07:00 来源:作文地带 好评:优秀英语作文

    I like autumn very much. It's the best season to go outing because it's neither too hot nor too cold. It is also the beginning of a new term. After a long holiday, it's fresh for us to go back to school again. Autumn is a colorful season. People wear diff...

    四季 范文

  • 浅析“环境问题”英语作文写作思路


  • 关于富二代的英语作文带翻译


  • 读《国共分裂,革命失败》后感


  • 读《钢铁是怎样炼成的》有感


  • 2011年国庆节英语作文带翻译


  • 我爱新疆英语作文

    I love my hometown——Xinjiang.I Love Xinjiang(征文)我爱新疆英语作文两篇. I am very proud of living in Xi...