

关于”写模特“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Writing models。以下是关于写模特的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Writing models

This is the model of the memo, which has been rewritten since December in Kuala Lumpur, with the theme of personal computers. The board of directors urgently needs feedback on our experience in using personal computers in the northern branch. I need to know in the report the purpose of your personal use of the computer and the reasons why you do so at work.

This is officially completed by other staff. Please state the software you use. Please state the name of the program.

How much time do you actually use it every day? Your computer does not meet your expectations. What unexpected uses have you found in your computer that others may want to share Please fax this information to me directly before 5pm on Wednesday. If you have any questions, please contact my assistant, Jane Simmonds, who will visit you on Tuesday, December 12.

Thank you for your help.





Science and technology, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering, geoengineering. In this case, the model attempts to simulate the effects of things, such as putting the veil of reflective particles into the stratosphere, or illuminating clouds over the ocean. This week, the implicit group met with other interested groups in Mainz, Germany, to discuss the results of various models.

The results were much better than many of the model's creators had expected, believing that particles in the stratosphere were present It does stop levels rising. Although greenhouse gases raise the global total temperature, in doing so, they cool the tropics a little bit and the temperature at the poles is slightly different, but these models also agree that geoengineering tends to suppress the hydrological cycle, reduce evaporation and reduce rainfall. However, some researchers, who want to go beyond models, hope to see Experiments in the real world.

The most important part of these programs is part of a project called spice (stratospheric particle injection climate engineering), which is mainly paid for by the British Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Most spice takes place in computers and laboratories, but some of them are actual experiments, one with a kilometer long hose of gas The idea is to pump a small amount of water onto a balloon and then release it into the air to assess the possibility of spraying other substances at higher altitudes.


科学与技术 地球工程 地球工程 地球工程到达地球表面的阳光很多隐式的工作,像气候科学中的许多其他工作一样,都采取了计算机模拟的形式。在这种情况下,模型试图模拟一些东西的效果,比如把反射粒子的面纱放入平流层,或是照亮海洋上空的云层,本周隐式小组和其他感兴趣的团体在德国的美因茨会面,讨论各种模型的结果,结果都比许多模型的创造者所预期的要好得多,他们认为平流层中的粒子确实可以阻止水平上升尽管温室气体使全球总温度升高,但在这样做的过程中,它们使热带地区稍微变冷,而两极的温度稍有不同,但这些模型也一致认为,地球工程学倾向于抑制水文循环,减少蒸发和减少降雨,然而,一些研究人员,想超越模特,他们希望在现实世界中进行实验这些方案的最重要部分是一个名为SPICE(平流层粒子注入气候工程)的项目的一部分,该项目主要由英国工程和物理科学研究委员会(EPSRC)支付费用,大部分SPICE发生在计算机和实验室,但其中一部分是实际的实验,一个系着一公里长的软管的气球,这个想法是把少量的水抽到气球上,然后再排放到空气中,以评估在更高的高度喷洒其他物质的可能性。


When we talk about models, we think of thin bodies and beautiful faces. It's a rule for models to try to be slim. But the most popular model recently is a girl with a beautiful face, while a girl with a fat body is leading a new fashion trend.

It tells people that you are y. This famous girl is from New York Her name is Barbie Ferreira. If we only look at this face in the picture, we will suspect that the girl is so charming.

But if we look at her figure, we will be shocked. When Barbie doll was shown in the magazine, her figure was much larger than that of ordinary models. People were encouraged.

They believed that natural beauty was what they pursued When Barbie was very small, she was very fat. Although she tried to lose weight, she was worried that she would gain weight again. Barbie realized that she was a born fat girl.

The story that she wanted Barbie dolls inspired many young girls to live in their own way.







  • 英语(English)属于印欧语系日耳曼语族西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗地海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语族语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。


    English 名词 uk  /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/ us  /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/

    the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and in many other countries


    American/British English


    Do you speak English?


    English   形容词 adjective   uk  /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/ us  /ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/

    in or relating to the English language


    an English teacher


    relating to or from England


    English films/food/people


    English law



