

关于"统计学的重要性"的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The importance of Statistics。以下是关于统计学的重要性的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of Statistics

[Yale University open course global issues of population growth] in this course, students will be introduced to important basic materials on the topics of human reproduction, population growth, population transition and population policy, including the environmental factors of human population pressure, population history, economic and cultural causes of population change, environmental carrying capacity and sustainable political factors, focusing on fertility The religious and ethical issues of the title are also concerned. Lectures and readings attempt to balance theory and population size ysis with research on individuals and communities. The perspective is global, including the evolution of ual and reproductive strategies in both developed and developing countries.

Sex and violence among apes: from ape to human when humans are scarce. Why Africa: different Malthusian times, European population transition, European population transition, European fertility decline, population transition, low fertility in developed countries (Michael taitelbaum guest lecture) The impact of human and environment on fertility attitudes and practices in developing countries demographic change traditional China's female vulnerable groups modern China's economic impact on fertility economic motivation adolescent ual behavior and adolescent pregnancy global demographic transition in developing countries (William Reeson guest talk) the biology and history of abortion population and environment.




There is a student majoring in statistics. When he drives, he always hastens to speed up. Then he goes to any intersection, then goes straight across the road, and then slows down again.

One day, he took a passenger with him. The passenger was uneasy about his driving style and asked him why he was driving so fast at an intersection. A student majoring in statistics replied, "statistically speaking, accidents at intersections are much more likely, so I just make sure I spend less time there.".




According to a recent survey of people in the United States, it is unreasonable to claim the accuracy of the results. All the statistics quoted are fabricated on the spot. According to a recent survey of people, what do you call one Drug statistician? How many statisticians does it take to change a light bulb? A α = statisticians are mean, they are just your standard normal deviation.

Have you heard of statisticians? Who invented a device to measure the weight of trees, called log scales? Have you heard of statisticians taking Dale Carnegie's course? He raised his self-confidence from the question of why statisticians don't like to model new clothes. You've heard about the statistician who was put in prison. He's now zero statisticians must stay away from children's toys because they are easy to fade.

The only proper time for pie charts is never to show them at the baker's Congress. Old statisticians never die. They just go through a transformation.

Q. how to distinguish a bathroom full of statisticians from another bathroom? You've heard of a statistician who changed his career and became a surgeon specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. His specialty is historical screenshots.

For car manufacturers, the most important statistic is autocorrelation. Some statisticians don't drink because they're teetotalers, and others drink hard stuff, which can be seen from the underwater shipyard of boxand whisch, which is an optimization, Lipton is very good at Statistics - especially testing.








