关于"评价计算器的发明"的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Invention of evaluation calculator。以下是关于评价计算器的发明的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Invention of evaluation calculator
As for Mr. Zhang's company content, Mr. Zhang: Hello, our company was founded in, and as one of the world's leading exporters, we expand our business in your company and import copiers, typewriters, calculators, printing and other businesses.
Do you want to cooperate with each other.
Today's education has a feeling that today's education should be both practical and theoretical. Therefore, there are many courses to teach students how to do things: how to make clothes, how to prepare meals, how to use computers or calculators, how to draw house plans. Even in more theoretical courses, teachers are constantly training students to find practical applications of their knowledge.
The first real progress from early electronic computers to electronic digital computers was in the late 's. Howard Aiken of Harvard University and George sleibett of Bell Telephone laboratory invented an automatic calculator using relay network. Relay is an electromagnetic control switch.
Other relay machines are gun ballistic meters developed in the World War II Although these machines were relatively slow and bulky, they proved the versatility of electronic computers. Then, in the early's, John morchley and jeresper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania designed and built a vacuum tube computer, which they called the electronic digital computer The calculator (ENIAC) was completed and installed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The electronic tube used in it needs a lot of power.
Its failure rate is very high and it is difficult to program because it needs a plug-in board. Then there are three very important discoveries. First, John von Neumann proposed that the program resides in the computer memory, where it can be changed at will, which solves the eniacsecond problem.
The transistor was invented by John bradeen, waltr hbrattain and William Shockley. By replacing the electronic vacuum tube and the third generation, jwforrester and his colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of technology have developed a magnetic core memory, which makes mass storage possible.
早期电子计算机向电子数字计算机的第一次真正的进步是在年代末,哈佛大学的霍华德·艾肯和贝尔电话实验室的乔治·斯莱比特发明了一种使用中继网络的自动计算器继电器是一种电磁控制的开关,其他中继机器是在世界上发展起来的第二次世界大战中火炮弹道计算虽然这些机器速度相对较慢,体积也相对较大,但它们证明了电子计算机的多功能性,然后,在年代早期,宾夕法尼亚大学的约翰·莫奇利和杰雷斯珀·埃克特设计并制造了一台真空管计算机,他们称之为电子数字计算机inegrator and calculator(ENIAC)它是在马里兰州阿伯丁试验场完成并安装的,它使用的电子管需要大量的电力,其故障率很高,很难编程,因为需要一个插板,然后有三个非常重要的发现,首先,约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)提出程序驻留在计算机内存中,在那里可以随意更改,解决了ENIACsecond的难题,晶体管是由John Bradeen、Waltr HBrattain和William Shockley发明的,通过更换电子真空管和第三代,JWForrester和他在麻省理工学院的同事们开发出了磁性核心存储器,使大量存储成为可能。
