

关于"机器人的开头"的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The beginning of the robot。以下是关于机器人的开头的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of the robot

Have you ever thought about the life of robots in the future or in a few years? We can imagine that all the housework, including washing dishes, cleaning windows and so on, will be done easily and automatically. It is only because we have robots. As long as they are at home, we will no longer use ourselves to do shopping and cooking.

If a family member is sick, we can still stay with us Because robots are doctors, robots in the future may be everything except humans.




My name is Lin Tao. I always dream of having a robot in Superman. It will be the product of artificial intelce.

It can do many things for me, including helping me do all the housework, especially cleaning the floor I hate most. It can cook for my family at any time. It can take me to school to pick me up.

It's not my parents who add up, but also my teacher, Teach me English and math. With the breakthrough of science and technology, what kind of imaginary robot will it be? I firmly believe that my dream will come true one day. Have you ever thought that in the future or in a few years, we can imagine that all the housework will live with robots, including washing dishes, cleaning windows and so on.

It's easy to do it automatically. It's just because we have robots. As long as they are at home, we don't have to go shopping and cook by ourselves.

If a family member gets sick, we can still stay with us Because robots are doctors. Yes, robots in the future may be everything except humans.




A robot nanny in Japan has created a new robot that can take care of a child. The new robot, called io, weighs about inches in length. Io is a small robot, but it has many special skills.

It can recognize and remember up to ten faces, and use its eight independent electronic ears to understand human voice. Even in noisy environment, it can play games with children when they are unhappy, or sing songs or ask quizzes to entertain children. If children are bored, io will change The robot nanny even has a mobile phone.

When a child asks his mother to test io ×× io, he even has a cell phone to call his parents.







