Today, my mother and I went to the market to buy vegetables.
我们先买了排骨,叔叔称了一下说:"23元。"妈妈把钱包递给我,让我付。我拿了两张十元,一张五元递给叔叔,叔叔居然也来考验我:"还要找你多少钱呢?""两元"我大声说道。然后我们又 去了蔬菜摊位,挑了三个番茄,五个茄子,阿姨称了一下,番茄3元9角,茄子4元6角。我一听,赶紧在心里算,3元9角加上4元6角一共是8元5角。妈妈问我怎么付钱,我说:"5元 、2元、1元、5角各一 张。"可是妈妈的钱包里只有3个1元的硬币,还有就是10元,20元的了,我一想就拿了1张10元的递给阿姨,阿姨找给我1元5角。
We bought the ribs first. My uncle weighed them and said, "23 yuan." Mother handed me the wallet and asked me to pay. I took two ten yuan, one five yuan to give to my uncle, and he even came to test me: "how much do I need to find you?" "Two yuan," I cried. Then we went to the vegetable stall and picked three tomatoes and five eggplants. My aunt weighed them. They were 3 yuan and 9 Jiao, 4 yuan and 6 jiao. As soon as I listen, I quickly calculate in my mind that 3 yuan and 9 Jiao plus 4 yuan and 6 Jiao is 8 yuan and 5 jiao. Mother asked me how to pay, I said: "5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 5 jiao each." But there are only three 1 yuan coins in my mother's wallet, and there are 10 yuan coins and 20 yuan coins. I took one 10 yuan coin to my aunt as soon as I thought about it, and she gave me 1 yuan and 50 Jiao coins.
After shopping, we went home happily.
