July 4
Whispers solve a lot of problems. You can’t argue in a whisper. You have to listen carefully to hear a whisper. “Whispers” in the night make everything right. What seemed so gigantic in the brightness of the day loses its significance in the security of a whisper. How do I know? In fifty-seven years of marriage, my husband’s whispers in the wee hours of the morning have brought a lifetime of “I love you”. Love lies behind a whisper. Love always can end with a whisper. Whisper today. It works every time.
—Joan Clayton
Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on this silence?
—Sai Baba
你的颜色Lily Green百合绿
Builder Home-oriented Emotional
If you were born on this day:
A loving home and family are important to your emotional well-being. You are a natural builder, and creating a strong foundation on which to build is imperative. You are not afraid to work hard to achieve your arms. Productivity and financial security are things that you take very seriously.
How this color benefits you:
Your personal color helps balance responsibility with playfulness. Wearing, meditating, or surrounding yourself with Lily Green reminds you to share your gifts and talents within your community and with the world at large.
Compatible birthdays:
February 20, April 22, December 4
July 20
The flowers had an odd, unnatural appearance as the shopkeeper lifted them from their shipping box. Tiny nets captured the largest blooms, squeezing them inward like miniature straightjackets. She prepared a place for them and then patiently, gently she pulled the netting away. With their bindings removed, the petals burst open, revealing hidden beauty and fragrance.
—Rhonda Brunea
A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.
—Leo Buscaglia
Inspiring Sexy Imaginative
If you were born on this day:
There is something special about you. People in your presence are inspired to be more than they think they can be. It is part of your makeup to continually grow and evolve, or you begin to feel disconnected from your adventurous spirit.
How this color benefits you:
Your personal color resonates with the gentle and peaceful side of your nature. Wearing, meditating, or surrounding yourself with Butterfly helps you enjoy every moment in each stage of life that you are experiencing.
Compatible birthdays:
February 9, May 5, October 18
[diary] 每天或经常把发生的事、处理的事务或观察的东西写下来的记录,尤指个人活动、思考或感觉的每日记录。 [1]
3、《现代牛津双解词典》:“Daily record of events and thoughts etc.”
