That details make a difference is an old saying known to people all over the world. Details are important to success in business and in every walk of life. Details can make the difference between two things that appear similar, but in reality are very different in quality.
There are several examples which can be cited to illustrate this concept. The first one is the Apple Corporation. The late CEO, Steve Jobs, was addicted to details. He could not stop pushing his staff to pursue perfection in design and production. Due to his focus on details, Apple made great success in the mobile field, producing products that were not only innovative, but also superior. Immediately, others copied these ideas, but they did not take the importance of details into account. Some manufacturers did not follow strict rules in their production and turned a blind eye to tiny problems. Their products looked similar to Apple’s, but closer inspection showed they were not as good. This is just one example that shows the importance of stressing details. Another example is the great masterpiece of Chinese paintings which consists of thousands of skills for mountains, figures or rivers. All of these need focus on details.
From my perspective, it is important to emphasize details in daily life and work. Success can only come by this kind of conscientiousness.
make a difference:有影响,有作用,强调细节的作用。
walk of life:生活领域,表示细节在生活的各个方面都很重要。
addicted to:沉迷于,此处指乔布斯对细节的痴迷。
turn a blind eye to:对……视而不见,这里指对问题的忽视。
