This morning, my mother drove me to practice Taekwondo.
来到道馆,玩了一会儿就开始上课。练跆拳道可真复杂,先得跟国旗敬礼,再跟教练敬礼。要做准备活动了,头部、肩部、腰部、膝盖、手腕都要做。做完后,教练让我们在后面集合,说歇一会儿后 ,要做冲刺,高提膝跑步、抱膝跳、蛙跳等等。我没有想到,还要压腿。更没有想到,教练要趴在我们身上压。
Come to Daoguan, play for a while and start class. Practicing taekwondo is really complicated. You have to salute the national flag first, then the coach. To do preparatory activities, the head, shoulders, waist, knees, wrists have to do. After that, the coach asked us to gather at the back and say that after a rest, we should do sprint, high knee running, knee holding jump, frog jump and so on. I didn't expect to have to press my legs. What's more, the coach is going to lie down on us.
Finally, I can take the yellow belt test. I'm very excited, but I didn't pass the test. The coach said, "if you get too excited, you can't pass the exam." After listening, I feel very ashamed.
