今年寒假,我和爸爸妈妈一起去我的奶奶家玩,顺便看看我的老朋友:花花,欢欢和三只小狗,可是,奶奶告诉我,大狗花花被毒死了,小狗因为喝了妈妈的奶,也给毒死了,我很伤心,但是,欢欢因 为被锁链缩着,所以没中毒。
This winter vacation, my parents and I went to my grandma's house to play together. By the way, I saw my old friends: Huahua, Huanhuan and three puppies. However, grandma told me that Huahua, the big dog, was poisoned. The puppies were poisoned because they drank their mother's milk. I was very sad, but Huanhuan was not poisoned because it was chained.
吃完午饭,我就带着欢欢出去遛狗,锁链一解开,狗就拽着我往外跑,现在不是我遛狗,而是狗遛我。狗跑得飞快,连大水坑都挡不住他的去路,我过不去,但小狗把我硬拖了过去,结果还被大石头绊 了个嘴啃泥。
After lunch, I took joy out to walk the dog. As soon as the chain was untied, the dog dragged me out. Now it's not me walking the dog, but the dog walking me. The dog ran so fast that even the big puddle couldn't block his way. I couldn't get through it, but the dog dragged me to it, and I was stumbling over a big stone.
My dog and I have become good friends. We always give the leftover bones to him.
