今天早上,我六点半就 起床了,起床后,我又想让妈妈给我叠被子,可是这种想法刚一露头,就觉得不对头,自己的事自己做,于是,我就模仿着妈妈叠被子的样子开始叠起来,好不容易把 自己的大被子翻过来,从床头跑到床那头,又从床那头跑到这头,我跑了很多来回,才把被子铺平,我又双腿跪在床头叠,足足用了二十分钟才叠完,我累得满头大汗。
This morning, I got up at 6:30. After I got up, I wanted my mother to fold the quilt for me. But as soon as this idea came out, I felt that it was not right. I did my own work. So, I started to fold the quilt like my mother did. It was not easy to fold the quilt My big quilt turned over, ran from the head of the bed to the other end of the bed, and ran from the other end of the bed to this end. I ran back and forth a lot, and then smoothed the quilt. I knelt on the head of the bed and folded my legs. It took me twenty minutes to finish folding. I was so tired that I was sweating.
