Currently, there is a long-lasting fever of obtaining a variety of qualifications among college students, including vocational qualifications and skills certificates. Many students spend their weekends and vocation in preparing for tests on English, Law and Computer Science. Even after their graduation, some of them are still having full enthusiasm on it.
No doubt qualifications have attractions of their own. They are evidences to confirm students’ abilities. Work-related or competence-based qualifications may even help students find a satisfactory job, so students hold the opinion that they are obtaining not credentials but opportunities for their future.
However, as it is known to all that each coin has its two sides, obtaining qualifications also brings negative influences in spite of its advantages. First, some vocational qualifications are obtained at the expense of the basic discipline study or major learning. Second, it will take 300 to 500 Yuan to go in for a certain certificate, leading to great financial burden. Third, better jobs do not always nec
From my point of view, what matters most is relevant experience or skill, not the number of credentials you have obtained.
大学(university),是一个汉语词汇,拼音是dà xué,意思是古代指聚集在特定地点传播和吸收高深领域知识的一群人的团体;现指提供教学和研究条件和授权颁发学位的高等教育机关。
University; Universities; The Great Learning
