浙江省第一份社会财富观调查报告近日对外发布,调查显示,80%的受访者认为贫富差距大,50%以上的人判断未来贫富差距还将拉大。社会贫富悬殊状况不容乐观。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said t...
在即将挥别过去十年之际,试问中国最流行的网络语录是哪一句?相信很多人都会提到"人生就是一个杯子,而它是"杯具"还是"洗具",全由你自己选择。" What are China's most popular online slang terms as we approach the end of the decade? One popular choice could be "Life is a cup, it's up to y...
中餐馆菜单上吓人的错误,让来自世界各地的外国人觉得好笑。谁会忘记吃过"火烤狮子的头"(burnt lion'shead,即红烧狮子头)这道菜?在网上快速搜索一下,可以看到有关"麻辣Huang炸腹部丝绸"(benumbed hot Huangfries belly silk,实为"麻辣韭黄炒肚丝")和"香味使牛仔的骨头爆炸"(fragrance explodes the...
每天写一篇英语日记对您英语写作水平的提高颇有好处。与其他形式的写作相比较而言,英语日记比较短而且只需花费很少的时间来写。写英语日记可以帮助我们养成英语思维的好习惯。如果我们坚持练习,慢慢的我们就会很好的用英语来表达自己的思维。On Keeping a Diary in English....
时下很潮词的英文翻译 裸婚 naked wedding 人肉搜索 flesh search 山寨 copycat 异地恋 long-distance relationship 性感妈妈 yummy mummy 御宅 otaku 住房公积金 housing funds 个税起征点 individual income tax threshold 熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 挑食者 picky-eater 伪球迷 fake fans...
the garden Today is Sunday,its sunny. This is a beautiful garden .Some children are playing in the garden.They are very happy.You can see some trees ,some beautiful flowers and some birds.There are some boys and girls.They are playing games and theyare ve...
Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough know...
1. A cat may look at a king. [字面意思] 猫也可以看国王。 [解释] 无名小卒也可以评论大人物。人皆可以为尧舜。不要因为别人的资格不够老,或经验不如你多,就不让他发表意见。 2. A penny saved is a penny earned. [字面意思] 节省一个便士就等于挣了一个便士。 [解释] 省钱是明智的做法。省一分...
广东2010年高考优秀作文:与你为邻 共建和谐...