南 京 大 屠 杀 中 的 英 雄
during the japanese rape of nanking in 1937, in which approximately 300,000 chinese civilians were killed and 20,000 to 80,000 women raped, a hero emerged. john rabe, an employee of siemens and leader of the local nazi party in nanking, threw open his house to some 650 refugees. he also led a score of other foreigners to form a safety zone that sheltered some 200,000 chinese from slaughter. he patrolled the safety zone himself, pulling japanese soldiers off rape victims and chasing them away without using any weapons. his only defence was an armband sporting a nazi swastika.
"the japanese don't wan't to tangle with a german," rabe wrote in his diary. "usually all i have to do is shout 'deutsch' and 'hitler', and they turn polite."
