§15 医与王女药令卒长大喻
(15) the physician gives medicine to the princess to made her grow up fast
once upon a time there was a king who brought a daughter into the world. he sent for the doctor and asked him, "could you prescribe some drugs for my daughter in order to make her grow up faster?"
the physician replied, "i have a good prescription for her. however, i don't have the medicine on hand. i should look for it. your majesty must not see her at the time of my searching for the medicine. i'll present her to your majesty after she has taken it."
then the physician went to a remote region in search of the medicine. he found it and came back twelve years later. having taken the medicine, the daughter was led to the king who was happy to see her. then he said to himself, "he's a good physician. my daughter has indeed grown after taking his medicine." the king then ordered his attendants to reward the doctor lavishly with gems.
