coughing. 我呼吸或咳嗽的时候(指自己的上胸部及气管处)会有如刀割一样的痛。Here,Ihaveanacutepainwhenbreathingorcoughing. 我的脉搏变快了。Myheatbeatshavebecomefaster. 我的脉搏有时候会乱。Ihaveskippedbeat
我呼吸或咳嗽的时候(指自己的上胸部及气管处)会有如刀割一样的痛。Here, I have an acute pain when breathing or coughing.
我的脉搏变快了。My heat beats have become faster.
我的脉搏有时候会乱。I have skipped beats sometimes.
有时候我有心悸 (心跳得厉害)。I sometimes have irregular heart beats.
我的胸部有绞痛。I feel a squeezing pain in my chest.
我的左胸部有刺痛。I feel a sharp pain around my upper left breast.
病名及症状词句英汉对照--口腔 Mouth
舌炎 Glossitis
舌苔 Caoted, or Furred tongue
蛀牙 Dental cavities
齿髓炎 Pulpitis
蜂窝组织炎 Phlegmon
牙周炎 Periodontitis
牙周病 Periodontosis
唾液,口水 Saliva
齿肉炎 Gingivitis
我不知味了。I lost my sense of taste.
我有口臭。I have bad breath.
我不能好好动用我的舌头。I cannot move my tongue well.
他(我)不能发音发得很好。He (I) cannot pronounce words properly.
我觉得舌头有点麻麻的。My tongue feels numb.
我的舌头有点痛。I have a pain on my tongue.
我的舌头有些不对劲 (不舒服)。My tongue is irritating.
我的牙齿痛得很厉害。I have a terrible toothache.
当我喝冷东西的时,我的牙齿很刺痛。When I drink something cold, I get a sharp
这颗牙在痛。This tooth hurts.
我的齿龈很痛。My gum is very sore.
我的齿龈很不舒服。My gum is irritated.
我的牙龈肿起来了。This gum is swollen.
我牙齿的填料掉了。My tooth filling is lost.
请你治疗我的蛀牙。Could you treat my dental cavities (caries).
请除去齿石。Could you remove my dental plaque?
你那样,使我很痛。Oh! Your are hurting me.
你能否矫正我的牙齿排列?Could you correct my bite?
能否给我做假牙?Could you make a denture (or a false tooth) for me?
它什么时候会好?When will it be ready?
这假牙不合。The denture does not fit.
我上下颚的咬合不很好。The bite of my upper and lower jaws is not proper.