Andthewildernessisshadowedwithwhitenew-flyingsnow. ...WhentheplayerfirstbrushestheShangstringandtheJueandthentheYu, Autumn-leavesinallfourquartersareshakenwithamurmur. Dong,themaster, Musthavebeentau
And the wilderness is shadowed with white new-flying snow.
...When the player first brushes the Shang string and the Jue and then the Yu,
Autumn-leaves in all four quarters are shaken with a murmur.
Dong, the master,
Must have been taught in heaven.
Demons come from the deep pine-wood and stealthily listen
To music slow, then quick, following his hand,
Now far away, now near again, according to his heart.
A hundred birds from an empty mountain scatter and return;
Three thousand miles of floating clouds darken and lighten;
A wildgoose fledgling, left behind, cries for its flock,
And a Tartar child for the mother he loves.
Then river waves are calmed
And birds are mute that were singing,
And Wuzu tribes are homesick for their distant land,
And out of the dust of Siberian steppes rises a plaintive sorrow.
...Suddenly the low sound leaps to a freer tune,
Like a long wind swaying a forest, a downpour breaking tiles,
A cascade through the air, flying over tree-tops.
...A wild deer calls to his fellows. He is running among the mansions
In the corner of the capital by the Eastern Palace wall....
Phoenix Lake lies opposite the Gate of Green Jade;
But how can fame and profit concern a man of genius?
Day and night I long for him to bring his lute again.
南山截竹为觱篥, 此乐本自龟兹出。
流传汉地曲转奇, 凉州胡人为我吹;
傍邻闻者多叹息, 远客思乡皆泪垂。
世人解听不解赏, 长飙风中自来往。
枯桑老柏寒飕飗, 九雏鸣凤乱啾啾。
龙吟虎啸一时发, 万籁百泉相与秋。
忽然更作渔阳掺, 黄云萧条白日暗。