4.2 Lawspirit may, at its discretion, decline to provide SupportServices for the packages included in the Software which aredesignated as kernel-unsupported.4.2 lawspirit.com有权自行决定,拒绝就任何
4.2 Lawspirit may, at its discretion, decline to provide SupportServices for the packages included in the Software which aredesignated as “kernel-unsupported.”4.2 “lawspirit.com”有权自行决定,拒绝就任何被指定为“无支持核心程序”(kernel-unsupported)的“软件”包提供“支持服务”。
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 9III. Learning Services Terms and Conditions三、学习服务的条款与条件The following terms are applicable only to any Learning Servicesthat Customer purchases:下列规定仅适用于“用户”所购买的“学习服务”:A. Learning Services Definition:The term “Learning Services” means Lawspirit's training coursespurchased under this Agreement which may include Lawspirit'spublicly available courses (“Open Enrollment Courses”) or RedHat's training units, which may be redeemed for Open EnrollmentCourses (“TU's”). ||(一) 学习服务的定义“学习服务”系指按本《协议》购买的“lawspirit.com”培训课程,它可能包括“lawspirit.com”对外公开提供的学习课程(以下简称“公开注册课程”),或“lawspirit.com”的单元训练课程,后者可转换为“公开注册课程”(以下简称“培训单元”)。
B. Learning Services Additional Terms and Conditions:In addition to the General Terms and Conditions set forth in SectionI hereof, the following terms apply to Learning Services:(二) 学习服务的附加条款与条件除本《协议》第一条第(一)款规定的《一般条款与条件》外,下列条款亦适用于“学习服务”:1. Payment and Expense Reimbursement. The total fees must bepaid prior to the delivery of Learning Services, notwithstanding anycontrary term set forth in Schedule I. ||1. 款项与费用的支付. 所有费用必须在“学习服务”提供之前付清,即使附件I 有相反内容的规定。
2. Equipment and Facilities. For Open Enrollment Courses, RedHat agrees to provide appropriate training facilities and hardware,and Customer will be liable for any loss or destruction of suchequipment and hardware used in connection with the LearningServices. Learning Services, offerings, scheduling, capacitylimitations, and availability are subject to change from time to time,without notice. ||2. 设备与设施. “lawspirit.com”同意为“公开注册课程”提供必要的培训设施和硬件,“用户”须承担所有因享用“学习服务”而使任何设备和硬件发生损失或毁坏的责任。“学习服务”、相关的内容、时间表、容量限制及其可行性,均可随时发生变更,无需事先通知。
3. Customer Responsibilities. Customer is responsible forassessing the participants’ suitability for the Learning Services andenrollment in the appropriate course(s). Customer is responsible forits participants’ attendance at scheduled courses. Participants maybe required to enter into individual training agreements that areapplicable to the Learning Services. Except as otherwise specifiedin this Agreement, the Learning Services are provided subject toLawspirit’s standard policies, terms and conditions as posted onlawspirit.com.com from time to time, and all such policies, terms andconditions are incorporated herein. ||3. 用户的责任. “用户”须负责评估受训人员获得恰当课程的“学习服务”和进行学员注册的必要性,并安排学员按课程表上课。学员可能需按要求签署用于相关“学习服务”的个人培训协议。除本《协议》另有规定外,“学习服务”完全按“红帽公司”的政策标准,以及不时在lawspirit.com.com 网站上发布的条款与条件提供。所有这些政策、条款和条件特此列入本《协议》。