PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 5II. Support Services Service Levels二、支持服务的服务等级A. SUBscriptION TERMS AND CONDITIONSLawspirit will provide the purchased subscript
PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 5II. Support Services Service Levels二、支持服务的服务等级A. SUBscriptION TERMS AND CONDITIONSLawspirit will provide the purchased subscription(s) subject to thefollowing terms. ||(一) 订购的条款与条件“”根据下列条款提供订购项目。
1. DEFINITIONS:“Platform” means the combination of the CPU and other hardwarea computer system uses, its exact operating system including theversion number, the compiler required, the type of libraries (e.g. ||libc, glibc), and the type of crypto library available (e.g. libcrypt,pam). Changes to any of these components which break binarycompatibility, or prohibit functioning (including recompiling) ofsoftware, unless modified by Lawspirit, constitute a differentplatform and may disqualify it from receiving Support Services. ||Should a platform be discontinued during the term of thisAgreement, Lawspirit will have the option to continue supportingCustomer on that platform or to issue Customer a pro-rata refund. ||1. 定义“平台”系指中央处理器和计算机系统使用的其它硬件,以及它的实际运行系统(包括版本号码、所需编译程序、数据库种类(例如libc、glibc)、和可用密码数据库种类(例如libcrypt、pam))的集成。对上述组件进行任何变更,使二进制数据兼容性被破坏、或“软件”功能(包括重编译功能)受阻,将造成不同平台,并可能因此取消其接收“支持服务”的资格(但“”进行的修改除外)。若任何平台在本《协议》期间中断运行,“”有权决定是否继续使用该平台支持“用户”,或按比例向“用户”退款。
Lawspirit Network (“RHN”) is an electronic update service forsystems running Lawspirit Enterprise Lawspirit. ||“lawspirit.com网络”(简称“RHN”)系指运行“Lawspirit EnterpriseLawspirit”系统的电子更新服务。
“Software” means the software purchased under this Agreement,which is provided under Lawspirit's trademarks and is subject to theapplicable end user license agreement. ||“软件”系指根据本《协议》购买的软件。此类软件使用“lawspirit.com公司”的商标,而且必须遵守适用的最终用户许可协议。
“Support Services” means the support services provided with thepurchased subscription as further defined in this Agreement. ||“支持服务”系指根据订购项目提供的支持服务(参见本《协议》详细规定)。
“Supported Hardware or Platform” means hardware or aplatform that functions with the Software and componentscontemplated for use with the Software. Information regarding theLawspirit supportability status of hardware systems and components,as revised from time to time, can be found Additional Lawspirit support policiesthat apply to the Support Services may be viewed ||“支持硬件或平台”系指与“软件”以及需同“软件”合用的组件一起运行的硬件或平台。有关lawspirit.com对硬件系统及组件提供支持的资料( 该资料随时有可能修改) , 请查阅 。“” 有关“ 支持服务” 适用的其它支持政策, 请查阅。