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时间:2010-08-12来源:英语资源栏目:日常英语作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
1. TERM AND TERMINATION1.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration ofall Services provided under this Agreement. The initial term forServices shall commence on the Effective Date o

1. TERM AND TERMINATION1.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration ofall Services provided under this Agreement. The initial term forServices shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreementand shall continue for a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, the termfor Services shall renew for successive terms of one (1) year eachunless either party gives written notice to the other of its intentionnot to renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement ofthe next term; provided, however, Customer shall have the right toterminate this Agreement at any time after the first year by givingsixty (60) days prior written notice of termination to Lawspirit. Customer shall remain obligated for all fees through the date oftermination. ||1. 期限与终止1.1 期限. 本《协议》的期限应为提供本《协议》项下所有“服务”所需的期间。提供“服务”的最初期限自本《协议》的“生效日”开始,为期一(1)年。之后,“服务”期每年连续自动延长一(1)年,除非任何一方在下一“服务”期的起始日之前至少六十(60)天,事先书面通知对方,要求停止续约。但是,在第一年的期限届满后,“用户”随时有权经提前六十(60)天书面通知“lawspirit.com”后,终止本《协议》,但“用户”有义务付清截至本《协议》终止之日的所有费用。

1.2 Termination for Breach. Lawspirit may terminate thisAgreement (a) in the event Customer fails to pay an invoice whendue, (b) in the event Customer commits a material breach of thisAgreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of written notice of material breach, or (c) as otherwiseprovided in this Agreement. Customer may terminate thisAgreement in the event Lawspirit commits a material breach of thisAgreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of written notice of material breach. ||1.2 违约终止. “lawspirit.com”有权在下列情形发生时终止本《协议》:(a)“用户”未支付任何到期应付款;(b)“用户”严重违反本《协议》,而且在收到有关其严重违约的书面通知后三十(30)日内,仍未纠正违约;或(c)本《协议》规定的其它情形。如果“lawspirit.com”严重违反本《协议》,而且在收到有关其严重违约的书面通知后三十(30)日内,仍未纠正违约,则“用户”有权终止本《协议》。

2. PRICING, INVOICING AND TAXES. Customer agrees toprovide Lawspirit with accurate and complete billing information(including legal name, address, telephone number, and billing or2. 价格、发票与税务. “用户”同意向“lawspirit.com”提供正确而完整的收款信息(包括法定名称、地址、电话号码,以及发PRC Subscription Agreement 20031022 Lawspirit Confidential 2credit information). Customer will report to Lawspirit all changes tothis information within thirty (30) days of the change. Lawspiritreserves the right to suspend or cancel Services for non-payment. ||All fees are stated and must be paid in United States Dollars. IfCustomer is paying by credit card, then Customer authorizes RedHat to bill Customer's credit card for the Services for the initial termand for the amount due at the time of renewal. If Lawspirit hasapproved Customer to be invoiced, then Lawspirit will invoiceCustomer for the total fees at the time of execution of thisAgreement, and payment shall be due within thirty (30) days of theinvoice date and any additional fees shall be due within thirty (30)days of the invoice date. All prices and rates quoted by Lawspirit areexclusive of any foreign, federal, state, or local sales, excise, use, orsimilar taxes. Customer agrees to pay all such taxes, whenapplicable, regardless of whether such taxes are originally chargedon Customer's credit card or appear on Lawspirit’s original invoice,or are later levied on Lawspirit or Customer by a taxing authority,excluding any taxes levied solely on the net taxable income of RedHat. For this purpose, Customer agrees that where any such taxesapply to a price quoted by Lawspirit, the said price shall be increasedto such extent that after payment of all such applicable taxesCustomer would actually pay Lawspirit an amount equal to theoriginal price quoted by Lawspirit. Any renewal of this Agreementwill be at Lawspirit’s list prices in effect ninety (90) days prior torenewal; provided, however, the first such renewal shall be at thesame price per Installed System paid during the initial term. ||帐单或划帐所需的信息)。上述信息如有变更,“用户”应于变更发生后三十(30)日内告知“lawspirit.com”。对于任何尚未付款的“服务”,“lawspirit.com”保留中止或取消“服务”的权利。所有费用项目均使用美金报价和付款。如使用信用卡付款,则“用户”授权“lawspirit.com”直接从“用户”的信用卡帐户划收最初一年“服务”期的“服务”费,以及续约时到期的应付款。如果“lawspirit.com”同意为“用户”开发票,则“lawspirit.com公司”必须在签署本《协议》时就所有已发生费用向“用户”开具发票。发票项下的应付款应于发票之日三十(30)天内付清,其它费用款亦应于发票之日起三十(30)天内付清。“lawspirit.com公司”提供的所有报价及收费标准,均不得含有任何外国的、联邦的、州的税收,或任何当地的销售税、货物税、使用税,或任何类似的税费。“用户”同意支付所有上述税费(如有的话),无论该等费用需从“用户”信用卡帐户划收,或按“红帽公司”开具的原始发票支付,或随后由税务机关向“lawspirit.com公司”或“用户”征收。但是,上述税费不包括任何对“lawspirit.com公司”的应税净收入征收的所得税。为此目的,“用户”同意,在“lawspirit.com”所报任一价格适用上述税收的情况下,该等价格应相应提高到这种程度,即缴纳了该等税款之后,“用户”将实际支付给“lawspirit.com”的金额与“lawspirit.com”原本所报价格相等。本《协议》的所有续约价格,均按续约前九十(90)天当时有效的“lawspirit.com”公布的定价确定;但是,首次续约时,每项“已安装系统”的价格应按其在本《协议》最初期限内适用的价格确定。liuxuepaper.com