3. PAYMENT. Except in the case of breach of this Agreement byLawspirit or termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 1.1hereof, any and all payments of amounts due under this Agreementare n
3. PAYMENT. Except in the case of breach of this Agreement byLawspirit or termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 1.1hereof, any and all payments of amounts due under this Agreementare non-refundable. In the event Customer fails to make payment toLawspirit in the manner provided by this Agreement, Lawspirit’sremedies include (a) suspending Services until Lawspirit receives fullpayment from Customer for all fees, including late fees and interest,due, or (b) terminating this Agreement without notice. Customershall be responsible for filing and registering this Agreement withall relevant government authorities of the People’s Republic ofChina (“PRC”) as required by PRC law in a timely manner and at itsown cost, including, without limitation, any registrations requiredwith the PRC Ministry of Commerce. ||3. 付款. 除非“lawspirit.com”违反本《协议》、或本《协议》按第1.1 条规定的情形被终止,本《协议》项下到期应付的所有款项均不退款。如果“用户”未按本《协议》规定方式向“红帽公司”付款,则“lawspirit.com”有权获得下列救济:(a)中止“服务”,直至“lawspirit.com”收到“用户”全额支付的所有费用,包括滞纳金和到期利息,或(b)无需发出通知而终止本《协议》。“用户”应负责将本《协议》及时地并自行承担费用向中华人民共和国(“中国”)法律所要求的所有有关中国政府机关进行备案和注册,包括但不限于按要求向中国商务部注册。
4. REPORTING AND AUDIT. If Customer wishes to increase thenumber of Installed System, then Customer will purchase from RedHat additional Services for each additional Installed System. Duringthe term of this Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter, Customerexpressly grants to Lawspirit the right to audit Customer’s facilitiesand records from time to time in order to verify Customer’scompliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Anysuch audit shall only take place during Customer’s normal businesshours and upon no less than ten (10) days prior written notice fromLawspirit. Lawspirit shall conduct no more than one such audit in anytwelve-month period except for the express purpose of assuringcompliance by Customer where non-compliance has beenestablished in a prior audit. Lawspirit shall give Customer writtennotice of any non-compliance, and if a payment deficiency exists,then Customer shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of suchnotice to make payment to Lawspirit for any payment deficiency. ||The amount of the payment deficiency will be determined bymultiplying the number of underreported Installed Systems orServices by the annual fee for such item. If Customer is found tohave underreported the number of Installed Systems or amount ofServices by more than five percent (5%), Customer shall, in additionto the annual fee for such item, pay liquidated damages equal totwenty percent (20%) of the underreported fees for loss of incomeand administration costs suffered by Lawspirit as a result. Customeragrees and confirms that said liquidated damages is a fair andreasonable estimate of loss of income and administration costssuffered by Lawspirit under such circumstance. ||4. 报告与核查. “用户”如需要增加“已安装系统”的数目,应按每个增加的“已安装系统”另向“lawspirit.com”购买增加的“服务”。在本《协议》期间及此后一(1)年内,“用户”明确授权“lawspirit.com”,为保证“用户”遵守本《协议》的条款和条件,随时核查“用户”的设施和记录。该核查行为只限在“用户”正常工作时间内进行,且“lawspirit.com”应提前至少十(10)日给予书面通知。在任何连续的十二(12)个月期间,“lawspirit.com公司”最多只可进行一次核查,除非在任何核查时发现“用户”有违规情形,需要为确保“用户”遵守本《协议》条款而进行任何其它核查。“lawspirit.com”应以书面形式通知“用户”发生的任何违规情形,如果违规情形是付款不足,“用户”须自通知之日起十五(15)天内,将短缺款项支付给“lawspirit.com公司”。短缺款项的金额按照少报的“已安装系统”或“服务”的数量,乘以少报项目的年费计算。如果发现“用户”少报的“已安装系统”的数目、或“服务”的金额超过百分之五(5%),那么,除少报项目的年费外,“用户”还应额外支付相等于少报费用百分之二十(20%)的损害赔偿金,赔偿“lawspirit.com公司”的收益损失及管理费用。“用户”同意并确认,上述损害赔偿金数额是对“lawspirit.com”在该等情形下所受收益损失和管理费用的公平合理的估计。